In order to answer questions about health ailments, one needs a private meeting to identify all the problems that have led to the disease. It takes a lot of time. Yuri Nikolayevich does not do this.
The topic of this site implies that the questions you submit will relate to the spiritual field. It does not mean we will satisfy curiosity regarding various life circumstances and provide diagnostic recommendations for numerous diseases. We remind you that the cause of all human illnesses and troubles is a lack of spirituality.
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You understand everything right since you say that your guilt is false. I recall the words of Jesus Christ from the Bible: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law" (Matthew 10:34, 35).
More facts from history. Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, had seven children, and only one brother, Jacob, believed and followed Him. It is how the immutable Law of Choice works. Even countless logical arguments and the power of the Word of God could not overcome the stubbornness of the rational mind of His relatives. As you can see, you are not alone in this.
I remind you that the concept of love is unknown to people. Selfish imposition of their life outlook plus sexual desire is not love yet. Genuine love comes when our body connects with the spirit, which is love. Then egoism is destroyed and, with it, everything impure and false in a person. It allows an incredible stream of happiness. It bursts out of you, and you want to give it away, but ... receiving the flow of love in return is possible only from an equal. And where are these equals? Hello?!
So suffering begins, for the soul does not want to give itself without love, but the flesh demands its own. The Darkness uses it - it is the perfect instrument. Through intimate dissatisfaction and compromise with the soul, the Darkness drags down even the strong in faith. In this case, on the scale, we have either love, Light, and, ultimately, salvation or a very temporary, relatively comfortable personal life. Upon making the wrong choice, our destinies will quickly respond to the betrayal of the soul by countless troubles. The decision always remains ours.
It is also very challenging for a spiritually strong man and woman who encounter real love. The Darkness, with all its might, day and night furiously attacks such a couple, using insidious tricks and temptations, testing the couple's strength. It is a natural act for the Darkness because Light comes through love, and the Darkness and Lucifer are anti-love and antichrist.
Is a person with dementia responsible for his actions? Before entering the spiritual topic, it was probably my biggest fear - becoming a burden for the family!
The Grail Message, volume 2, chapter 18 - The Claim of Children on Their Parents raises several questions. One of them has been bothering me for a long time.
The second page of the report talks about a child performing house chores in their parents' house. "If a child, male or female, fulfills such a task in the parental home, then the parents should give it the same wage as they would have to pay a stranger engaged for the purpose. In other words, the child must be regarded and treated as a really independent human being while fulfilling its duty!"
Did I understand correctly the idea embodied in the Message that parents should compensate their child's labor around the house? Or does it mean a specific professional work? Then how do we cultivate in a child selfless help to its parents according to the Law of Compensation?
Thank you!
The human spirit is incapable of seeing the Creator according to the Law of Similarity.
Does this speak of the state of the human spirit when it progresses to realize the Laws of the Heavenly Father?
Who is the one "pure in heart"? As I understand, it is the one without negative emotions and not an egoist. Am I right?
There were times in life when I liked a person, but he didn't take any interest in me. That caused me suffering.
And someone liked me, but I could not reciprocate because I gave my heart to another. Again - I suffered because I saw the suffering of the man in love with me, but I could not offer him anything in return.
Are these all manifestations of karma? Because it turned out that I suffered in both cases. Or, in the second case, my suffering was unnecessary as it was unnecessary to worry about the man? Meaning it was his problem, and he had to redeem it with his suffering.
Strive for it, and your life will change for the better.
In the meantime, your fate is signaling - that happiness in your personal life still needs to be earned.
1. Each situation is a beneficial lesson for me
2. Accept it with humility
3. Even if I react slowly, the main thing is to figure out which Laws I am breaking
4. As a result, if I figured it out correctly, I experienced joy in my heart
A question about the Commandment "Thou shalt not kill."
I don't quite understand the explanation by Abd-Ru-Shin that the same thing happens when a person in any way violates the deep friendship or trust someone has for him. It is how he kills or damages something in another that actually contains life! It is considered the breaking of the Word of God: you must not kill! It will bring him an evil fate, which he has to redeem.
Does this apply to a situation where one of the spouses trusts and sensually loves the other and is sure that he will live with her until old age but sometimes allows himself outbursts of irritability, anger, and insults toward her? One day, the wife decides to leave as she can no longer endure such negativity, which is becoming more frequent. The spouse accuses her of being the killer in her decision to leave.
A: In marriage, the one who often offends their spouse is the destroyer of a good relationship. Eventually, the spouse runs out of patience and leaves the family, having a full right to do so. I want to emphasize that both parties are to blame for the broken relationship, although perhaps not equally.
Personally, I still do not use my intuitive perception very often, maybe occasionally and only in big decisions. Does it mean that I am spiritually lazy and that all of us, by the end of the Final Judgment or the end of the Millennium, MUST use our intuitive perception in most situations before we do or say something, etc.?
Thank you.
Please explain how to analyze a life situation or a problem and deal with it using an intuitive perception.
The liberation of the soul is a very serious process, and the duration of it depends on your will and the amount of your past karma.
Can you please explain if we should take those texts literally? I've heard that people who stop paying attention to thoughts encounter a Flow of Light from the Higher Power and, over time, gain insight and begin to apply it to their earthly situations. Those people do not worry about anything but live according to the principle that if there is a problem, there will be a solution, i.e., they fully trust the Supreme.
Do you think we must pay attention to thoughts only when necessary and the rest of the time be thoughtless?
In the questions and answers section, below the question: "How to build mental images," You answered: "... it would be correct to say not mental images but images in the intuitive perception ... ". Could you clarify? I always created images (to resist an attack or destroy the infiltrations of the Darkness) and thought those were only mental images. What does it mean to build images in the intuitive perception? Does it mean that since mental images only work if one has a strong faith, creating an image with a strong faith is already "the image in the intuitive perception"? Thank you.
What does it mean?
Humility is a life stance. It is when a person understands that the process of redemption is inevitable and is extremely useful and accepts each day without fear and reproach. Do not confuse trust with humility; they are two different concepts. Read carefully the end of the article Fear ( There are detailed explanations for your question about trust. And the article Resentment ( speaks of the essence of humility.
Faith also includes trust. If there is no trust, fears come causing faith instantly die. Experience confirms that living with trust in God, given steady spiritual growth, leads to conviction.
If you don't feel like reading this book and are not interested in the above matters, there is no need to force yourself.
A. Only one way out
B. Several options
C. No way out at all
The word “Truth” is irrelevant to your question. The Truth is an infinite concept. To express it for human understanding, we, at best, only remain in the neverending movement toward it.
Can this happen if a person with one blood type receives another type of blood?
Will any transfusion of someone else's blood inevitably harm the spirit? Is blood donation, in this case, not a good cause?
It is difficult to assess the degree of spiritual damage in specific cases. On the one hand, souls with different strength levels participate in the process. At the same time, the transfused blood can be of various purity of emanation. I mean not the biochemical composition of the blood but the degree of contamination of the biofield of the donor whose blood bears the imprint of his personal moral state.
Sometimes, I think, a strong soul can assimilate and eventually eliminate the negativity introduced in with the blood.
the realization and be saved?
permanent residence for some, and take care of them? Thank you.
answer this question, it is necessary to know your biography going back several lifetimes. Only the Holy Will
can know this.
So, as I understand, it will be taken from the weak one and added to the strong one.
When and how?
And "when"? It will be when the weak one becomes strong or the strong one weakens and ceases to act.
If the source of fear is unclear, most likely, some negative energy entered your biofield. An in-depth diagnosis is needed to get to the root cause of it. Fear can result from other people's influence, or it could be that the general negative background has intensified.
Empathy makes you open up to a person or situation, and then third-party problems begin entering your biofield. Therefore, we must learn how to sympathize while not letting negative energy into our field.
And if you do have cold-heartedness, you must learn how to love, starting with small things.
Read the chapter "Religion of Love" in the three-volume book of Abd-Ru-Shin.
I often notice that when communicating with the opposite sex, false illusions and hopes begin to surface from men, even though I do not give a reason for it.
If I do not reciprocate a man's feelings, he starts making accusations against me.
Then it becomes sad and hard for me to interact with the person.
I thought maybe it was my fault, maybe my behavior was inappropriate. But after analyzing the situation, I realized it was not my fault.
I merely interacted with the person in a friendly way, warmly, and sincerely from the bottom of my heart while he began to perceive such communication as more than friendship. I felt uncomfortable and sad about such an interaction.
I do not know what to do. All I can do is stop communicating with people at all.
If the parents are spiritually strong, they can protect their children from this influence.
What kind of small earthly deeds can these be? If possible, please give examples.
However, do not insist on it.
There will be no danger to you then.