
In order to answer questions about health ailments, one needs a private meeting to identify all the problems that have led to the disease. It takes a lot of time. Yuri Nikolayevich does not do this.

The topic of this site implies that the questions you submit will relate to the spiritual field. It does not mean we will satisfy curiosity regarding various life circumstances and provide diagnostic recommendations for numerous diseases. We remind you that the cause of all human illnesses and troubles is a lack of spirituality.

Questions and Answers   

# Q 2023-10-06 17:20
Yuri Nikolaevich, how do I overcome false guilt concerning a close person who, although familiar with your lectures, Abd-Ru-Shin, and the spiritual subject, has not yet taken the path of spiritual rectification? We are a married couple. I feel as if my spouse is silently questioning me: "We lived so well together. It was your decision to take on this religion, and now you behave strangely, have different interests, and close yourself off every chance you get!" I experience the feeling of false guilt and that I am to blame for all the misfortunes of our family. I know I am on the right path, and using willpower and logical arguments, I try to push through the wall of false guilt constantly imposed on me by the voice of reason. Do you think I may lack arguments that can logically convince my brain? Or is it my vanity and the thought of how significant my input is in the destiny of my loved one? Or maybe I am being "coached" on building my willpower and commitment to the chosen path ...
# A 2023-10-06 17:28
I will try to answer this question in more detail since many couples encounter this problem.
You understand everything right since you say that your guilt is false. I recall the words of Jesus Christ from the Bible: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law" (Matthew 10:34, 35).
More facts from history. Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, had seven children, and only one brother, Jacob, believed and followed Him. It is how the immutable Law of Choice works. Even countless logical arguments and the power of the Word of God could not overcome the stubbornness of the rational mind of His relatives. As you can see, you are not alone in this.
I remind you that the concept of love is unknown to people. Selfish imposition of their life outlook plus sexual desire is not love yet. Genuine love comes when our body connects with the spirit, which is love. Then egoism is destroyed and, with it, everything impure and false in a person. It allows an incredible stream of happiness. It bursts out of you, and you want to give it away, but ... receiving the flow of love in return is possible only from an equal. And where are these equals? Hello?!
So suffering begins, for the soul does not want to give itself without love, but the flesh demands its own. The Darkness uses it - it is the perfect instrument. Through intimate dissatisfaction and compromise with the soul, the Darkness drags down even the strong in faith. In this case, on the scale, we have either love, Light, and, ultimately, salvation or a very temporary, relatively comfortable personal life. Upon making the wrong choice, our destinies will quickly respond to the betrayal of the soul by countless troubles. The decision always remains ours.
It is also very challenging for a spiritually strong man and woman who encounter real love. The Darkness, with all its might, day and night furiously attacks such a couple, using insidious tricks and temptations, testing the couple's strength. It is a natural act for the Darkness because Light comes through love, and the Darkness and Lucifer are anti-love and antichrist.
# Q 2023-10-06 17:20
Yuri Nikolaevich, good afternoon. In the book In the Light of Truth, the chapter Man's Spirit Guide explains the nature of the interaction between man and his spirit mentors. How do you interact with your spirit guide, and what do you need to hear their voice and to understand if it is really the guide you hear and not someone else?
# A 2023-10-06 17:27
Such interaction begins with a strong faith that connects you with your spirit and further with the Light. At the same time, if the spiritual guides note that you are not lazy and regularly exert your will and reduce your mistakes, then your intuitive perception appears. This perception will form a dialogue with the Upper World, translating the radiation directed toward you into images and thoughts your brain can comprehend. The same intuitive perception registers the "hue" of the radiation and does not allow you to believe in false information.
# Q 2023-10-06 17:20
Dear Yuri Nikolaevich! What is dementia, not in the sense of a diagnosis, but regarding the spiritual topic? Why does a gentle, polite, and kind person once affected by dementia become angry, irritable, and suspicious? In this case, does he answer before the Laws for his irritability and anger? Or maybe this is no longer his karma but of those who care for him? I witnessed that dementia can happen to anyone, even the kindest and most responsible person who, until old age, was everyone's support, did a lot of good things, and then, all of a sudden, he changed beyond recognition. Only great love for this person helps one to get through this. But when he passes away, one feels relief.
Is a person with dementia responsible for his actions? Before entering the spiritual topic, it was probably my biggest fear - becoming a burden for the family!
# A 2023-10-06 17:27
A person can be good, even fantastic, and still a materialist. He denies God, Who gave him life, a beautiful habitat, etc. The brain suffered from dementia, in this case, and all negative emotions once externally controlled now surfaced. Regardless of what state a person finds himself in, he always answers before the Law of Justice, for he is far from holiness. And the burdensome care that you must provide for him is your karma.
# Q 2023-10-06 17:19
Good day, dear Yuri Nikolaevich!
The Grail Message, volume 2, chapter 18 - The Claim of Children on Their Parents raises several questions. One of them has been bothering me for a long time.
The second page of the report talks about a child performing house chores in their parents' house. "If a child, male or female, fulfills such a task in the parental home, then the parents should give it the same wage as they would have to pay a stranger engaged for the purpose. In other words, the child must be regarded and treated as a really independent human being while fulfilling its duty!"
Did I understand correctly the idea embodied in the Message that parents should compensate their child's labor around the house? Or does it mean a specific professional work? Then how do we cultivate in a child selfless help to its parents according to the Law of Compensation?
Thank you!
# A 2023-10-06 17:27
Compensation is beneficial in order to accustom a child to work, explaining along the way the essence of the Law of Compensation. But it doesn't have to be money, for there are other forms of compensation.
# Q 2023-10-06 17:19
Hello! Christ said: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God". What did He mean?
The human spirit is incapable of seeing the Creator according to the Law of Similarity.
Does this speak of the state of the human spirit when it progresses to realize the Laws of the Heavenly Father?
Who is the one "pure in heart"? As I understand, it is the one without negative emotions and not an egoist. Am I right?
# A 2023-10-06 17:26
The pure in heart is the one who lives according to the Laws or close to it. Naturally, they are not selfish.
# Q 2023-10-06 17:19
There were times in life when I liked a person, but he didn't take any interest in me. That caused me suffering.
And someone liked me, but I could not reciprocate because I gave my heart to another. Again - I suffered because I saw the suffering of the man in love with me, but I could not offer him anything in return.
Are these all manifestations of karma? Because it turned out that I suffered in both cases. Or, in the second case, my suffering was unnecessary as it was unnecessary to worry about the man? Meaning it was his problem, and he had to redeem it with his suffering.
# A 2023-10-06 17:26
Your case is far from unique. Unfortunately, our human "like-dislike" almost always refers to the mere physical appearance of a person. Only a rich inner spiritual world creates a vibrant personality, actively attracting people's attention.
Strive for it, and your life will change for the better.
In the meantime, your fate is signaling - that happiness in your personal life still needs to be earned.
# Q 2023-10-06 17:18
Hello! In the report Come Down from the Cross, there is a phrase: "Thus men do not even know those laws in Creation which release and set free their spiritual power, those laws in which they can unfold their spiritual power!" Could you explain this phrase?
# A 2023-10-06 17:26
Having understood the Laws and acting according to them, man receives considerable spiritual strength and, thus, abilities. Living righteously, he will do good and create beauty. For this, the Light endows him with such power.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:53
Good afternoon, Yuri Nikolayevich. When I get tested by some life situation, I sometimes fail to act fast enough. As a result, it takes me a few days to figure things out. How do I learn to act faster? Based on your recommendations, I came up with an algorithm:
1. Each situation is a beneficial lesson for me
2. Accept it with humility
3. Even if I react slowly, the main thing is to figure out which Laws I am breaking
4. As a result, if I figured it out correctly, I experienced joy in my heart
# A 2023-10-06 17:25
Your algorithm is correct. The speed of reaction will improve with time through multiple repetitions and experiences.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:50
Good afternoon!
A question about the Commandment "Thou shalt not kill."
I don't quite understand the explanation by Abd-Ru-Shin that the same thing happens when a person in any way violates the deep friendship or trust someone has for him. It is how he kills or damages something in another that actually contains life! It is considered the breaking of the Word of God: you must not kill! It will bring him an evil fate, which he has to redeem.
Does this apply to a situation where one of the spouses trusts and sensually loves the other and is sure that he will live with her until old age but sometimes allows himself outbursts of irritability, anger, and insults toward her? One day, the wife decides to leave as she can no longer endure such negativity, which is becoming more frequent. The spouse accuses her of being the killer in her decision to leave.
A: In marriage, the one who often offends their spouse is the destroyer of a good relationship. Eventually, the spouse runs out of patience and leaves the family, having a full right to do so. I want to emphasize that both parties are to blame for the broken relationship, although perhaps not equally.
# A 2023-10-06 17:25
In marriage, the one who often offends their spouse is the destroyer of a good relationship. Eventually, the spouse runs out of patience and leaves the family, having a full right to do so. I want to emphasize that both parties are to blame for the broken relationship, although perhaps not equally.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:49
Yuri Nikolaevich, how to eliminate the tone of a connoisseur in your voice when discussing spiritual or near-spiritual topics? When talking to family or friends who may be weaker in the spiritual subject, you realize you are more knowledgeable. Let's say they haven't read all three volumes of In the Light of Truth and do not understand some things yet. Later, after discussions, you analyze the conversation and become ashamed of yourself, registering a condescending tone. What logical reasoning do I use to convince my mind so I won't do it again?
# A 2023-10-06 17:25
When expressing your opinion on the spiritual topic, forget about yourself. Concentrate on being better understood, and choose simple and convincing arguments. In this inner busyness of your brain and sincere intention to explain the Word to your loved ones, your tone of voice will be calm and not pompous.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:49
In The Warnings Abd-Ru-Shin says that it is necessary to weigh things out multiple times using your intuitive perception before acting, speaking, or regarding something superficially. He says that this is a matter of a few seconds, and with practice, weighing things out by using our intuitive perception will become automatic. He also says everyone must achieve this in anything they do on earth.
Personally, I still do not use my intuitive perception very often, maybe occasionally and only in big decisions. Does it mean that I am spiritually lazy and that all of us, by the end of the Final Judgment or the end of the Millennium, MUST use our intuitive perception in most situations before we do or say something, etc.?
# A 2023-10-06 17:24
Our spirit slumbered for a very long time. The more often you use it in different situations, invoking your spiritual intuitive perceptions, the faster it will wake up, gradually acquiring maturity. It is our central spiritual goal. Whether we manage to wake up in time or not depends on our efforts.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:47
Hello, Yuri Nikolaevich! Do our and "not our" thoughts get created by beings from the Realm of Animistic Substantiality? That is, do demons also affect those beings? Does it mean that we, when liberating our brain from demonic influences, also help the animistic substantials by doing so? Are the demons taking over my brainwork considered to be my personal demons? Did I create them with my thoughts and vanity?
Thank you.
# A 2023-10-06 17:24
Thoughts that break the Laws of God are demons, and thoughts that do not violate those Laws can either be beneficial or worthless. But you need to consider one critical moment. By agreeing with the "illegal" thoughts, you give your personal spiritual stamp of approval. Then those thoughts turn into your personal demons, and you will answer for them before the Law. So, it would be valuable for you to know the Laws well enough and regularly check if your thoughts violate them.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:47
Hello, Yuri Nikolaevich!
Please explain how to analyze a life situation or a problem and deal with it using an intuitive perception.
# A 2023-10-06 17:23
For your intuitive perception to be genuine, your faith must be of a high degree. Additionally, long experience, considerable patience, and systematic elimination of sins are necessary. Then, gradually, you will acquire an intuitive perception that will not deceive you. Errors from time to time are inevitable, but they will gradually decrease. It happens with any educational training.
The liberation of the soul is a very serious process, and the duration of it depends on your will and the amount of your past karma.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:46
Hello. In the first volume of Abd-Ru-Shin, there are texts about getting rid of all earthly thoughts, which leads to the realization of the Truth.
Can you please explain if we should take those texts literally? I've heard that people who stop paying attention to thoughts encounter a Flow of Light from the Higher Power and, over time, gain insight and begin to apply it to their earthly situations. Those people do not worry about anything but live according to the principle that if there is a problem, there will be a solution, i.e., they fully trust the Supreme.
Do you think we must pay attention to thoughts only when necessary and the rest of the time be thoughtless?
# A 2023-10-06 17:23
You have misunderstood this part of the Message. Ignoring thoughts is the wrong method. It is necessary to use your willpower and force your thinking to figure out the meaning of texts, analyze your behavior, draw conclusions, and make decisions. Otherwise, there will never be any Flow of the Higher Power or any gaining of insight. Using your intuitive perception helps you to grope the correct understanding of the Word, and the brain, realizing the logic of It, plants it in your memory.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:46
Yuri Nikolaevich, good day!
In the questions and answers section, below the question: "How to build mental images," You answered: "... it would be correct to say not mental images but images in the intuitive perception ... ". Could you clarify? I always created images (to resist an attack or destroy the infiltrations of the Darkness) and thought those were only mental images. What does it mean to build images in the intuitive perception? Does it mean that since mental images only work if one has a strong faith, creating an image with a strong faith is already "the image in the intuitive perception"? Thank you.
# A 2023-10-06 17:22
If you have good faith when building images and these images are really helping you in defending from the Darkness, then they are in the intuitive perception.
# Q 2023-10-05 18:46
In the book In the Light of Truth by Abd-ru-shin, chapter Christmas talks that our opposition is not the brain itself but what stands behind it and uses it as a tool - the Darkness! It does not want the human spirit to find the Light in childhood memories, such as the sentimental memories of the Holy Night. In those moments, we can sense how great is the yearning desire of the human spirit to gain the Light and to be filled with New Forces. Such a sentimental mood could be the best ground for Awakening if only man could immediately and to the full power utilize it to his advantage! Unfortunately, adults indulge in only dreams, wasting this Force Rising from the Depth and letting the presented opportunity slip away without extracting any benefits.
What does it mean?
# A 2023-10-06 17:22
In this case, the author means that emotional memories and experiences can help you get from under the control of the Darkness. We must not miss the chance to wake up spiritually and seize this moment.
# Q 2023-07-30 13:43
Good afternoon. I have a close relative who needs constant care. I am the only one who can do it. I really try to help her, but the more I do, the worse she acts. She is constantly in a bad mood and complaining. I close myself off from her, and lately, I began to notice that I feel indifferent and have no pity, which she constantly wants to invoke in me. Does it mean that I've become cold-hearted?
# A 2023-07-30 13:45
No, it is not cold-heartedness but your defense mechanism. Your indifference is a shield that blocks the astral demonic forces that this selfish, ungrateful relative is trying to dump on you. You have that right.
# Q 2023-07-30 13:43
Are faith and trust in God two different concepts? Is trust synonymous with humility and, thus, with conviction?
# A 2023-07-30 13:45
True faith is always accompanied by trust in God. Many people who consider themselves believers live in fear for their future, their children's future, etc. There are many reasons causing fears. It indicates that those people's faith is not genuine or they are spiritually lazy. In that case, fears about possible troubles may well become a reality.
Humility is a life stance. It is when a person understands that the process of redemption is inevitable and is extremely useful and accepts each day without fear and reproach. Do not confuse trust with humility; they are two different concepts. Read carefully the end of the article Fear ( There are detailed explanations for your question about trust. And the article Resentment ( speaks of the essence of humility.
Faith also includes trust. If there is no trust, fears come causing faith instantly die. Experience confirms that living with trust in God, given steady spiritual growth, leads to conviction.
# Q 2023-07-30 13:42
Should I read the book In the Light of Truth only if there is a deep desire for it?
# A 2023-07-30 13:45
If you want to understand the meaning of life, why our destiny is not always favorable, and how to change it for the better, read the book.
If you don't feel like reading this book and are not interested in the above matters, there is no need to force yourself.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:30
Hello! Yuri Nikolayevich, is it always possible to describe a life event (situation) as absolute good or evil, or is it always a mixture of positive and negative at the current moment on Earth, and what’s important is the final result? Thank you in advance!
# A 2023-07-07 18:36
Your question can be answered only regarding a specific situation. But we can say that in the world created by the Perfect Will of the Creator, all is fair. For example, a good person, who may have violated the Law many years ago, is now suffering. If he does not have faith, he, respectively, lacks the understanding of the act of the Law of Retribution. Thus, he will not connect this negative event with his past misconduct and will consider it evil. Almost all people on Earth have such an outlook. There is a colossal release of negative emotions, thoughts, words, and deeds: fear, resentment, anger, revenge, and much more. In response to the works of the Laws to return sins to their source, which manifests itself in global events, there is chronically a false reaction of people to those events. It repeatedly generates a new round of sins - evil. There is no humility, i.e., no one wants to answer for their transgressions. Thus, the severity of the punishment is increasing, and the speed of its return is accelerating. Genuine goodness, still sometimes present in people, is drowning in the sea of evil.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:29
Hello! Yuri Nikolaevich, if there is only one Truth, then do I understand it right that there is only One way out of a tough situation (according to the Higher Law)? Also, in similar cases, do the ways of dealing with them vary for different people based on the saying: “What is good for one may harm the other”? Thank you in advance!
# A 2023-07-07 18:35
Depending on the severity of the karma of a particular person and his current situation, it is possible to have:
A. Only one way out
B. Several options
C. No way out at all
The word “Truth” is irrelevant to your question. The Truth is an infinite concept. To express it for human understanding, we, at best, only remain in the neverending movement toward it.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:29
Hello. In the article “How to keep faith,” you provided an example of dealing with resentment: “It is necessary to remember which Law corresponds to a particular moment or situation and, by applying maximum will, squeeze out the logic of the Darkness from the mind (you were offended - take revenge) and replace it with the logic of the Law (the offender gives a chance to atone for sin).” Please give an example of the logic of the Light in the fight against envy and jealousy. Thank you very much!
# A 2023-07-07 18:35
Envy is the byproduct of vanity and, in a way, a lack of humility. A person wants to have what he is not entitled to today based on the assessment of his spiritual state from the point of view of the Higher Laws. In addition, envy attacks and interferes with the life of the person he envies. Thus, envy is also an act of aggression. You must remember that envy also returns a hundredfold to you and will seriously complicate your life by increasing troubles. And by being jealous, you are violating the Law of Choice, which means you are opposing the Holy Spirit. Don’t you want to be free to choose? Then why not recognize this right for others? Again, jealousy is a form of vanity. Perhaps, it is involuntary valuing yourself as an exceptional individual who does not want to reckon with the Higher Laws while demanding others to fulfill the very same Laws when interacting with you.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:28
Good evening! Regarding your answer to the question about mental images. You said it is more correct to call them images of intuitive perception rather than mental images. Please explain the difference and how to create images in intuitive perception.
# A 2023-07-07 18:33
Mental images are created by your rational mind, and they lack power. On the other hand, images in intuitive perception are generated by the spirit. They are charged with enough force to fight the Darkness, given that the person possesses genuine spiritual faith.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:28
Hello! Could you tell me which logic helps to conquer irritability? Sometimes, it is irritating to deal with how a person speaks or responds to me; even his tone of voice or simply his presence can be annoying. It is especially difficult to extinguish irritability and find peace while in the moment. Thank you!
# A 2023-07-07 18:32
If a person annoys you and it is impossible to avoid interaction with him, you need to understand that you have similar emotions to your character, which you need to work on eliminating faster. Here the Law of Similarity is at work, meaning you attract irritability. Darkness through this person probes you for emotional stability, precisely on irritability. It will always be the case as long as you have that negative emotion in you.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:27
Is the absence of questions on the spiritual topic an indicator of insufficient spiritual work on oneself?
# A 2023-07-07 18:32
Most likely, it is poor spiritual work. Because even spiritually strong people have many questions.
# Q 2023-07-07 18:16
If a couple truly loves each other, should they get married in church?
# A 2023-07-07 18:31
The wedding ceremony is a beautiful tradition and should be carried out at will. And from the point of view of spiritual relations, with true love present, this ritual is not so important. It is not for nothing they say that marriages are made in heaven, for a union in love in spirit is the real wedding.
# Q 2023-06-16 17:02
Hello! What is spirituality? And what are the spiritual goals?
# A 2023-06-16 17:08
Man is a spirit embodied in an earthly physical cloak. The spiritual, that is, the human task is to realize the meaning of one's existence, to realize the laws of this world and not only the manifested gross matter but the rest of its components. It becomes possible on the condition of getting rid of spiritual laziness and sins. Only then does a person, living according to the laws, transition from an unconscious state into a conscious one. A person without faith in God does not even set such a spiritual goal for himself since he does not see the point in it. Our site has articles, such as "Destroyed Bridge", etc., that will give you a detailed answer to your question.
# Q 2023-06-16 17:01
I'm reading the chapter "The mystery of the blood". How to interpret the phrase which refers to the fact that if a different blood type is transfused, then the soul dwelling in such a body will feel an obstacle to the full manifestation of its volition or may even become completely cut off from it since with the blood of a different composition, its radiation also changes, which is no longer in harmony with the soul?
Can this happen if a person with one blood type receives another type of blood?
Will any transfusion of someone else's blood inevitably harm the spirit? Is blood donation, in this case, not a good cause?
# A 2023-06-16 17:03
Blood transfusion is employed to treat certain illnesses or save lives. Here, spiritual harm is of no concern. The main goal is to help the body.
It is difficult to assess the degree of spiritual damage in specific cases. On the one hand, souls with different strength levels participate in the process. At the same time, the transfused blood can be of various purity of emanation. I mean not the biochemical composition of the blood but the degree of contamination of the biofield of the donor whose blood bears the imprint of his personal moral state.
Sometimes, I think, a strong soul can assimilate and eventually eliminate the negativity introduced in with the blood.
# Q 2023-06-16 17:01
Do herbal remedies delay the redemption process just as pharmaceutical drugs do? Thanks.
# A 2023-06-16 17:02
It is not the medicine that hinders the redemption process but the lack of humility. You can take medication. The important thing is to understand how necessary the medication is since all chemicals come with side effects. If you learn the causes of the disease and take action, you can quickly restore health with minimal or even no medication.
# Q 2023-05-19 18:45
Hello! Do people who now die without realizing the Truth have any chance in the other world to come to
the realization and be saved?
# A 2023-05-19 18:46
All souls there are different. And for each soul individually, the decision will be made by the Holy Will.
# Q 2023-05-19 18:44
Hello! Is it possible to work out karma if you feed homeless animals, care about them, provide a
permanent residence for some, and take care of them? Thank you.
# A 2023-05-19 18:45
Perhaps, you can work out a small part of karma by doing so if it comes from the heart. However, to fully
answer this question, it is necessary to know your biography going back several lifetimes. Only the Holy Will
can know this.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:41
Hello. Please tell me how to deal with physical desire if I have no partner.
# A 2023-05-16 14:12
We must fight not with physical desire but with our shortcomings. Our deficiencies prevent us from being happy in every way. If we reduce our flaws, then a proper match will eventually appear.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:40
Good afternoon. Could you explain the difference between being direct and being rude (tactless)? Thank you in advance!
# A 2023-05-16 14:12
Being direct is beneficial at the right moment under certain circumstances, but rudeness is always unnecessary. Straightforwardness at the wrong moment is considered a lack of tact.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:39
Hello! Is it possible to fight against fear and build mental images at the same time? Doesn't fear interfere with creating mental images?
# A 2023-05-16 14:11
Fear is not conquered by forms but by strong faith. Such faith holds the principal conviction in the immeasurable superiority of the Power of the Creator over the possibilities of the Darkness. If there is no such conviction, then faith is not real. And if there is, the fear disappears.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:39
Yuri Nikolayevich, what happens to the soul of a person with dementia? He practically does not understand where he is and what he is doing.
# A 2023-05-16 14:10
His life has been lived. Apparently, the spirit slept through it, and his sinful past returned in the form of dementia. All that is left for the relatives is to pray for him.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:38
How to understand if I am passing a spiritual test correctly? For example, I was presented with a difficult situation where there was an attack through my superiors at work. My first reaction was resentment, a feeling of injustice. Then I analyzed it according to the Laws. I realized and accepted that it was returned to me for my sins, so the negative emotions were gone. Now, when I see those who attacked me, there are no more negative emotions or feelings. All I have is a feeling of liberation. Does this mean that I have learned the lesson correctly? And what about the negative emotions that I felt in the beginning? Will they still be recorded as my mistakes?
# A 2023-05-16 14:09
Yes, you probably learned your lesson from this life episode. Mistakes have already taken place. After a while, they will manifest in your life as some adversity. I hope you have enough knowledge, will, and patience to accept it adequately.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:38
How to deal with people who lie all the time. Those are my relatives.
# A 2023-05-16 14:08
I would not trust them. Your relation to them has nothing to do with it. You can tolerate their lies or find a way to take action. We learn to live, and the best teacher for us is the Word of God that visited the Earth, but most people bypass It.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:37
"For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." (Matthew 25:29)
So, as I understand, it will be taken from the weak one and added to the strong one.
When and how?
# A 2023-05-16 14:08
First, I will answer the question “how?” It will be taken from the one who does not have it. "It" is the Force given from Above to a person who makes a serious effort on the path of spiritual development. This intelligent Force comes to a person as help from the Light for genuine spiritual actions. So, it will be taken from the one who does not use this Force and will be given to the one who does since spiritual movement requires much effort.
And "when"? It will be when the weak one becomes strong or the strong one weakens and ceases to act.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:36
Some women experience a problem with irritability once a month due to the physiological process. Does this mean they have some vice, maybe, related to the second chakra?
# A 2023-05-16 14:07
I did not study the specifics of the period of the female menstrual cycle. I cannot answer this question. I can only say that a spiritually mature woman will not be irritated in any phase of her life. If there is irritability at this time of the month, then under unrelated life circumstances other negative emotions can be present. They have to be coped with. See information on this topic on our site.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:36
My children do not want to give up gadgets, saying: “Mom, don’t bother us with your lectures, and stop interfering with our lives!” I feel hopeless, looking at their choices and their path.
# A 2023-05-16 14:00
Yes, it is not easy to raise children, especially in times of a rapid decline in cultural standards. There are no good examples for them to follow. Children are curious and eagerly absorb all the information that surrounds them. The only way to help them is to set a role model presented by parents or talented teachers whom you can still find out there. You can spark their interest and passion in some rewarding activity. From a parent, this requires constant attention, time, and love for our dear little ones.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:35
Yuri Nikolayevich, please tell me what causes asthma.
# A 2023-05-16 13:58
We do not answer such questions by the terms and conditions of the site.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:34
Yuri Nikolayevich, how to explain dreams that later come true in reality?
# A 2023-05-16 13:55
Some dreams warn a person about an upcoming event in real life. These dreams come from the spirit, not from the brain.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:34
How do I determine whether I have the pressure of karma and I need to bare with it, or it is an attack of the Darkness, and I need to defend myself?
# A 2023-05-16 13:55
This cannot be explained in a nutshell. There are detailed answers in lectures and articles on our website.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:33
Do you have consulting services where I can get advice?
# A 2023-05-16 13:54
There are no such services. But there are answers in the lectures and articles posted on this site. Also, there is the Grail Message to refer to for your questions.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:33
When the attack of demons comes on, how to protect yourself from it? I am yet a weak Christian.
# A 2023-05-16 13:54
It is not easy to protect yourself from them. Sins of a person, if he does not battle with them, attract such demons. See lectures and articles on the site. There are detailed answers to your questions.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:32
I have a question about working with forms when trying to protect myself from the attack of the Darkness. I rarely create forms anymore; rather, I often use such a form - "go where you came from ..." (I say it to myself, not out loud, of course). I actually noticed that this approach works... Is this wrong? Does it mean I am too lazy to create forms?
# A 2023-05-16 13:53
Forms are strong when faith is strong. Otherwise, they are a product of the imagination of the rational mind. Forms must be changed (updated) all the time, or they will stop protecting us. Thus, the Light stimulates our spiritual ingenuity and forces us to eliminate laziness.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:32
Yuri Nikolayevich, suppose an artist is preparing an exhibition and wants to share with the public his vision of the beauty of this world in works of art, wishing the viewer to receive aesthetic pleasure. Having the best intentions in mind, why do obstacles arise for the artist before each exhibition?
# A 2023-05-16 13:53
Because demons do not tolerate beauty, decency, honesty, etc., they create obstacles wherever possible.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:31
Dear Yury Nikolayevich, you said that in the past you had sheltered a friend. Were you already familiar with the works of Abd-Ru-Shin at that time? What was your first thought about the friend and his problems? Was it the thought of the mind or the soul? When did you start recognizing your intuitive perceptions for the first time?
# A 2023-05-16 13:49
At that time, I was not familiar with the works of Abd-Ru-Shin. I only had about 2-3 months of experience in the spiritual field. The error concerning this acquaintance of mine and the consequence of the error led me to the realization of what is good and what is evil. There were other mistakes as well. Analyzing and getting rid of them, I was gaining more experience. I remember that my first intuitive perceptions came rather quickly, thanks to the help from Above.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:30
Fear does not leave me, and I do not understand why.
# A 2023-05-16 13:48
There are no universal answers. Each case has its own reason for fear.
If the source of fear is unclear, most likely, some negative energy entered your biofield. An in-depth diagnosis is needed to get to the root cause of it. Fear can result from other people's influence, or it could be that the general negative background has intensified.
# Q 2023-05-15 19:29
I often hear how people I know use phrases in which they say the word "God"! Is this a violation of the commandment (You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God)?
# A 2023-05-16 13:48
Yes, this is a violation of the commandment.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:24
What kills faith?
# A 2023-05-16 13:51
Read the article "How to keep faith" on our website in the section "articles".
# Q 2023-05-15 18:23
How to overcome cold-heartedness? I understand that I need to sympathize with a person, and I do it, but there is still "silence" inside.
# A 2023-05-16 13:45
First, you want to verify whether this is really cold-heartedness. Because some people are not worthy of sympathy, and your soul refuses to sympathize.
Empathy makes you open up to a person or situation, and then third-party problems begin entering your biofield. Therefore, we must learn how to sympathize while not letting negative energy into our field.
And if you do have cold-heartedness, you must learn how to love, starting with small things.
Read the chapter "Religion of Love" in the three-volume book of Abd-Ru-Shin.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:22
I have a question about the relationship between a man and a woman.
I often notice that when communicating with the opposite sex, false illusions and hopes begin to surface from men, even though I do not give a reason for it.
If I do not reciprocate a man's feelings, he starts making accusations against me.
Then it becomes sad and hard for me to interact with the person.
I thought maybe it was my fault, maybe my behavior was inappropriate. But after analyzing the situation, I realized it was not my fault.
I merely interacted with the person in a friendly way, warmly, and sincerely from the bottom of my heart while he began to perceive such communication as more than friendship. I felt uncomfortable and sad about such an interaction.
I do not know what to do. All I can do is stop communicating with people at all.
# A 2023-05-16 13:45
Unfortunately, a man/woman relationship has nearly reached a dead end. So it is almost impossible to give recommendations. You can be as upset as you like, but if you are attractive, you will always receive attention from the opposite sex. The bottom line is that if you refuse their attention, in most cases, you will encounter resentment due to their crushed ego.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:21
If there is a “weak link” against the background of general well-being, causing, despite all attempts to remain calm, irritation, what is the best thing to do - avoid this situation or dive into it and use it as a simulator to train your will?
# A 2023-05-16 13:41
If you are working on yourself, it is advisable to figure out what causes your irritation and remember which law you are violating. And if you realize that you are breaking the Law of God, you will understand that you are opposing the Holy Will by doing so. I think this motivation is sufficient to deal with your irritability.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:20
Please teach us how to stop thoughts, if possible.
# A 2023-05-16 13:39
You cannot learn this in a nutshell. First, try to divert your thinking in a positive direction. For this to happen, it is necessary to exercise your will. Naturally, it is desirable to have faith because you cannot accomplish it on your own.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:20
As described by people who experienced clinical death, hell exists. Is that so?
# A 2023-05-16 13:38
Yes, people who experienced clinical death saw what surrounds us. And everyone has their own personal hell woven from their own unredeemed sins.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:19
Strong resentment. How do I know after working on myself that it is finally gone?
# A 2023-05-16 13:38
You need to tune in with your soul to your offender. If your mood does not deteriorate from this, then the resentment is gone. If you still detect animosity, then some leftovers of resentment are present.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:18
Abd-Ru-Shin writes that children from early childhood should be grateful to their parents for their protection. How should they display it in early childhood?
# A 2023-05-16 13:37
The fact is that they should show gratitude, but often it is not the case. The reason is that we exist in increasingly adverse human relations. The pressure of the Darkness is growing. It affects both adults and children. Children from an early age begin to experience this pressure. The more their brain develops, the more they, through the reasoning mind, are subject to the stress of this negativity. And the more difficult it is for parents to cope with any abnormal manifestations of their behavior.
If the parents are spiritually strong, they can protect their children from this influence.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:18
One of the reports of Abd-Ru-Shin states that our spirit has a strong impulse embedded in it to strive for the high, pure, and perfect. And the spirit yearns to transfer this impulse to the small earthly deeds, to bring it to the material manifestation visible to our eye.
What kind of small earthly deeds can these be? If possible, please give examples.
# A 2023-05-16 13:35
For example, I can offer you an impulse to the high and pure in a conscientious performance at work. Also, you can express it in relationships with friends, children, etc. And it is also imperative to apply such an impulse in family relationships to maintain harmony and peace.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:17
Hello, does playing a melody or a song in your head to stop negative obsessive thoughts give the same result as setting up a mental image? At the same time, I understand that logic is needed here.
# A 2023-05-16 13:35
Darkness breaks through the music because concentration is not needed to play a melody in your head. It spins in your head without applying any concentration. And to create a sequence of mental images, you need attention, the increase of will and its concentration.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:16
When it comes to eye diseases, are there specific reasons for them?
# A 2023-05-15 18:39
We do not answer such questions under the terms of this site.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:16
Currently, it is a very difficult time energy-wise. The pressure of the Darkness has reached astronomical proportions. I notice that I am under constant pressure and attempt to stir up negative emotions in me. It used to be like that too, but now such pressure is relentless. How to resist it more effectively? Maybe there are some recommendations, in addition to increasing my personal will?
# A 2023-05-15 18:36
If there is faith and a pretty quick spiritual movement toward getting rid of your shortcomings, you can successfully resist the onslaught of the Darkness and be in a positive mood more often. For this, besides faith, strong will and patience are needed.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:15
It is not always possible to resist emitting a negative emotion, so sometimes it breaks out. How destructive is this nowadays? Is it that the closer to the end, the less excused such moments are?
# A 2023-05-15 18:35
Not "the closer to the end", but the longer you are in the spiritual topic, the more the time limit allotted for redemption from sins is exhausted. It is as destructive as the amount of accumulated karma and how often you continue making mistakes.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:15
Good evening. Tell us in more detail what actions to take when the time of the Antichrist begins.
# A 2023-05-15 18:33
The time of the Antichrist began long ago, as did the Final Judgment. Watch lectures on the site, read articles, and read the Grail Message by Abd-Ru-Shin, where everything related to the topic is explained in detail.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:15
Yuri Nikolaevich, how do I forgive? I understand that what was given to me was for my sins. But why do these people who sinned against my family remain healthy and prosperous? Aren't they also sinners? Again, I do understand that I received it for my sins. But they also sinned, and they are doing just fine.
# A 2023-05-15 18:32
For many, even hard-core sinners, everything is fine for now. Read the article "Love your enemies" on our website. It holds an answer to your question. Everyone gets their due punishment in due time. Do not doubt the justice of the Creator.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:09
Being a young female, I often feel envy coming from older women. Why is this happening, and how do I shield myself from it?
# A 2023-05-15 18:13
You cannot defend yourself until you have protection from the Power of the Cross (the Holy Will). But such protection needs to be earned. How? By genuine faith, a real battle against your own sins, including envy. If you had not had envy within you, then someone else's envy would not have "pierced" you. That is how the Law of Similarity works, attracting homogeneous substances.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:09
Yuri Nikolaevich, I do not understand one thing. I try to overcome my sins. But how do I act in this day and age? Should I resist external evil by defending my rights, or, like everyone else, should I meekly obey everything demanded of me? Will that consider to be humility and patience on my part while understanding that this is the Will of God?
# A 2023-05-15 18:13
A situation becomes hopeless if one is not committed to spiritual development or if he tries to practice it but loses faith or lacks it altogether. Then, he loses the support of the Light, and his fate becomes less favorable in many life circumstances, including yours.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:08
Can sinners dump their negative karma onto others?
# A 2023-05-15 18:11
No, they cannot. Karma is exclusively a personal responsibility of a sinner. What they can dump on you is only their negative emotions.
# Q 2023-05-15 18:07
Yuri Nikolaevich! They say all mental illnesses are attachments of dark entities to a person. Is this true?
# A 2023-05-15 18:11
In some cases, yes. I do not presume to testify for all situations out there. If one has faith and a fairly quick spiritual movement toward eliminating personal shortcomings, one can successfully resist the onslaught of the Darkness. Then he will more often experience a good, positive mood.
# Q 2023-05-14 20:46
I have been in a spiritual search for a long time but on this particular path for about a year. How can I share the topic with good people who are not aware of it, but are seeking the truth? Also, by doing so, how to not endanger myself?
# A 2023-05-14 20:47
First, ask if the spiritual topic is of interest to them. If so, suggest looking at our site or reading a few first chapters of the Grail Message.
However, do not insist on it.
There will be no danger to you then.
# Q 2023-05-14 20:40
My husband is against the baptism of our 5-year-old child. Can I hide the fact of the baptism and carry it out in a local grave house?
# A 2023-05-14 20:42
I would not hide this intention from a loved one. But you are free to act how your soul desires. Well, the local grave house (did you mean the prayer house?) is unknown to me as the people who baptize there. Personally, I have a bad feeling about the house you've mentioned. Maybe the husband is correct and also feels negativity associated with that place. The child may start feeling worse after a potentially fake baptism.