Keys to the Sky

Meaning of human life. Love and devotion.
Fate and justice.
The origins of human immunity.

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Explaining the commandment "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God" to a child

A human being is a social creature. Every parent faces the moment when their child becomes a member of society and starts absorbing many unnecessary things. In this case, we are talking about the commandment: "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name" (Exodus 20:7).

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Some suffer from loneliness, others dream of it, being unhappy in a relationship.
It is important to remember that the days life presents to us are well deserved not to mention the most beneficial. Events taking place on such days reveal our weaknesses. And to deal with them faster, you need to be alone.
Loneliness. There is no need to be afraid of it.
Isn't it valuable to remember once in a while that I am also an individual? After all, my soul is the jewel that I must regain.
For a modern adult, of course, children and loved ones are always in the foreground. And more than often, we forget about ourselves. We go with the flow and remain absolutely oblivious to our needs and feelings. Such renunciation is often not at all appreciated by those surrounding us.

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Superficial Image of Happiness to Drown Two Souls

It is hard to imagine someone who would not want to be in a good relationship. Our hearts so anxiously seek love because, as they say, love is a lifeline. But do we know how to love? Until we get rid of our vices, probably not. After all, love is a renunciation of egoism.
Love is truly a lifeline, but only when you are in the process of eliminating your vices. There is no point in hoping that love will come from Above. It will not come. Love must be earned, love must be learned.
It turns out that to get rid of our vices at an accelerated pace, we must love, and in order to truly love, we must quickly get rid of our mistakes. Such a vicious circle.
So what do we do?

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Yuri Lutsenko, "Our destiny is in our hands". Part 4 - Relationships.

Webinar, April 9, 2023


"Facing the Pain", October 2023

Psychologist Strygina, A. A.

A human being is a social creature. Every parent faces the moment when their child becomes a member of society and starts absorbing many unnecessary things. In this case, we are talking about the commandment: "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name" (Exodus 20:7).
A child goes to kindergarten, and in a few days, he says a well-known phrase his parents never spoke in front of him. And if an adult realizes the seriousness of this expression, how can we explain its gravity to a child?
Most often, the primary role model for a child is his mother. Upon arrival at kindergarten, within minutes, the kid searches for his mother among the adults. In case of troubles and worries, he immediately runs to her. So, we can take advantage of this fact.

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"Jealousy", October 2023

Yuri Lutsenko

Throughout my life, this emotion made quite an impression on me and not only from my own experience. I have seen it expressed during conflicts among my friends. In addition, later, due to the nature of my work, I talked with people sharing their troubles with me, asking for help and advice. As a result, I gained some understanding of different shades of jealousy that are more often than not unfounded and sometimes arise from suspected or actual infidelity.
The intensity of this emotion depends on the type of relationship between a man and a woman, as well as on their individual set of character traits.
For example, strong jealousy comes over someone who, having considerable vanity, perceives his opponent as a loser compared to his exceptional self. In the case of rejection, this same vanity hurts his ego, resulting in jealousy, especially if the choice falls on someone else.
Or jealousy leads to constant, sometimes long-term mistrust, creating an unbearable atmosphere in the family or a relationship.

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"Demolished Hell", October 2023

Yuri Lutsenko

Modern society does not offer us a relaxing life. People are becoming exhausted under the pressure of various adverse circumstances, trying desperately to free themselves from the burden of problems. However, spiritual blindness does not allow them to see the simple and obvious solution that is literally staring them in the face. It is impossible to free yourself from the pressure of the consequences of your mistakes without true love.
Attraction, sensuality, and lust are earthly and distorted concepts of love. True love has colossal power and manifests on Earth only when the spirit unites with bodily eros.
The spirit is love and conscience, a celestial being created by the Holy Will. What prevents the body from making this necessary connection with the spirit?
Sins, vices, mistakes... or whatever else you want to call this powerful cloud of the Darkness, insurmountably separating us from our spiritual origin and God. And this dark cloud will be insurmountable until man awakens spiritually and finds the way out through faith and deliverance from vices.

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"Alienation From the Truth", October 2023

Yuri Lutsenko

Prolonged, mindless use of words without delving into their essence always leads to profanation and diminishing the deep purpose of any matter discussed. As a result, the most crucial elements of our lives remain misunderstood. Ignorance is reflected in the destinies of each individual and humanity as a whole.

I will give you a couple of examples.

1. The root of the word "psychology" in Greek means "soul" or "spirit". At the same time, the vast majority of psychologists do not believe in the existence of the soul. Even if there is a slight belief in it, there is no understanding of what the soul consists of, where it resides, and how it interacts with the body. Then what does this science study?

2. The word "commandments" has been so over-used for centuries that the call to fulfill them results in misconception, sometimes even mockery, protest, etc., because no one obeys the Ten Commandments.

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"Running in Place", August 2023

Yuri Lutsenko

The leading problem of many who have embarked on the path of spiritual development is that repeatedly heard lectures, read articles and texts of the Grail Message remain non-internalized. In the Bible, Jesus Christ demanded, and now does Abd-Ru-Shin through the Message, to not just understand what the Word recommends but, most importantly, live by It. If it doesn't happen, there is no "communion" with the Word.

Perhaps there is not enough will, and you do not implement all the practical results on the topic offered. For many years now, a large part of the so-called spiritual seekers and followers have been running in place, wasting their time. At the same time, you constantly wait for a resolution of life's problems in your favor, forgetting about the failure to fulfill the main requirement.

I remind you that this requirement includes not only the knowledge of verses from the Scripture and the Laws of God but the fastest possible reduction of your personal sinful mass, both your current mistakes and redemption in humility of the past ones.

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"Love is Not Self-Seeking", August 2023

Psychologist Strygina, A. A.

Love is the renouncement of egoism. Many people react with extreme negativity when hearing these words. Man loves himself so much that he cannot imagine loving someone else. And even if he does, he got it all wrong.
Selfishness, arrogance, jealousy, resentment... There are so many things that kill love, and, unfortunately, these qualities are associated with the idea of love of a present-day man. How to deal with all these negative character traits? By applying logic!
Do I love this person? If yes, that means I want to see him happy. So I have to respect his choice. This is how I conquer jealousy.

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"Do Not Force Your Expectations On Others", August 2023

Psychologist Strygina, A. A.

Being thoughtful is especially important in a relationship, whether it is between a man and a woman, a parent and a child, etc. Most conflicts arise from misunderstanding.

We become so self-absorbed that we fail to pay attention to those close to us. It is difficult for us to remember what the person might like, what makes them happy, and, gradually, we completely lose the desire to please them. In relationships, more often than not, people throw jabs at each other in the form of demands, blame, and complaints.

Resentment, jealousy, and irritability are expressions of egoism that violate another person's freedom. As soon as I start wondering why this person forgot what kind of flowers I like or that we agreed to meet up, I immediately think of the saying: "Do not impose your expectations on people". Do not project your hopes and dreams onto others.

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"The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters", July 2023

Yuri Lutsenko

The title of this article is the name of the etching by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya from the Los Caprichos series, which depicts demons that have stuck around a sleeping person. I chose this title to illustrate a person with a slumbering spirit.

Many years of experience have long ago revealed a typical process occurring in relationships between a man and a woman.

Physical appearance, talents, and particular character traits create mutual attraction, perhaps even romance. At the same time, the spiritual level of partners is usually different. When two people like each other, the choice is made, and their bio-fields connect, becoming one common field. Instantly, light and dark become gray. And if the soul has also opened up, the consequences will be much more prolonged and severe.

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"First love", July 2023

Psychologist Strygina, A. A.

Two people won’t be able to tolerate each other for a long time without love. But when relationships reach their boiling point, those couples start wondering what will happen to their children and how they will survive the divorce.

As someone who lived thru the divorce of my parents, I can say with confidence - they will survive!

There is no benefit in the child witnessing the mother’s tears and complaints or the father’s accusations or despair.

We must be positive role models for our children, including in our personal lives. If a boy has never seen how to treat a woman with warmth, affection, and respect, he won’t be able to apply it in practice in his life. Thus, he has far fewer chances to become a good husband than a person from a somewhat decent family. Or if a girl doesn’t perceive her mother as gentle, feminine, and caring toward her dad, it will play a role in her future relationships with the opposite sex.

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"Divorce in the family and children involved", August 2023

Psychologist Strygina, A. A.

Two people won’t be able to tolerate each other for a long time without love. But when relationships reach their boiling point, those couples start wondering what will happen to their children and how they will survive the divorce.

As someone who lived thru the divorce of my parents, I can say with confidence - they will survive!

There is no benefit in the child witnessing the mother’s tears and complaints or the father’s accusations or despair.

We must be positive role models for our children, including in our personal lives. If a boy has never seen how to treat a woman with warmth, affection, and respect, he won’t be able to apply it in practice in his life. Thus, he has far fewer chances to become a good husband than a person from a somewhat decent family. Or if a girl doesn’t perceive her mother as gentle, feminine, and caring toward her dad, it will play a role in her future relationships with the opposite sex.

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Yuri Nikolaevich Lutsenko

Born on March 5, 1948, he currently lives in Moscow, Russia.

His outlook on life is illustrated in all the content posted on this site.

In his articles and lectures, Yuri Lutsenko uses information from the Bible (the New
Testament) and from the book "In the Light of Truth" by Abd-Ru-Shin.

"And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come."

Gospel of Matthew, 24:14