Divorce in the family and children involved

Two people won’t be able to tolerate each other for a long time without love. But when relationships reach their boiling point, those couples start wondering what will happen to their children and how they will survive the divorce.

As someone who lived thru the divorce of my parents, I can say with confidence - they will survive!

There is no benefit in the child witnessing the mother’s tears and complaints or the father’s accusations or despair.

We must be positive role models for our children, including in our personal lives. If a boy has never seen how to treat a woman with warmth, affection, and respect, he won’t be able to apply it in practice in his life. Thus, he has far fewer chances to become a good husband than a person from a somewhat decent family. Or if a girl doesn’t perceive her mother as gentle, feminine, and caring toward her dad, it will play a role in her future relationships with the opposite sex.

In addition to the visibly unpleasant atmosphere in the family, children sense all the “jabs” between the parents. They also take on the blows, becoming worried or even ill. And the parents need to learn what to do about it.

It is critical to adequately prepare each family member for such a significant period of their lives to avoid making things worse and creating a catastrophe that will negatively affect the child. In order to face the situation with dignity, it is necessary to possess spiritual strength for both a man and a woman. Such strength will help them to go thru the process with the required competence so as not to harm the children.

If you don’t know where to begin, I suggest consulting a good child psychologist since this subject has been well-covered in the field.

This article is not an encouragement to file for divorce but simply a professional opinion from the point of view of psychology.

The main goal is to not forget about the child involved, completely immersing yourself in personal problems. Remember, you have a child who really needs you.

Let’s learn how to be parents and live our life the right way in all its aspects!

July 2023
Strygina, A. A.