Alienation From the Truth

Prolonged, mindless use of words without delving into their essence always leads to profanation and diminishing the deep purpose of any matter discussed. As a result, the most crucial elements of our lives remain misunderstood. Ignorance is reflected in the destinies of each individual and humanity as a whole.

I will give you a couple of examples.

1. The root of the word "psychology" in Greek means "soul" or "spirit". At the same time, the vast majority of psychologists do not believe in the existence of the soul. Even if there is a slight belief in it, there is no understanding of what the soul consists of, where it resides, and how it interacts with the body. Then what does this science study?

2. The word "commandments" has been so over-used for centuries that the call to fulfill them results in misconception, sometimes even mockery, protest, etc., because no one obeys the Ten Commandments.

Apart from the blind reverence for the texts such as "Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal," and so on, things do not go any further. But the present and future of any person depend on understanding the essence of the word "commandments" and their fulfillment.

Let me remind you that Jesus Christ insisted that the Word of God and the Commandments must not only be studied and respected but, most importantly, fulfilled! In the gospels, the direct speech of Jesus Christ confirms it: "If you love Me, keep My Commandments" (John 14:15). This and only this is the essence of any religion if this religion and its ministers are from God.

The word "religion" means restoration of a connection, in this case, of man with God. One cannot achieve this connection by the mere knowledge of biblical quotes. Strict fulfillment of all the instructions from the Son of God is necessary.

At the same time, the word "commandments" cannot be regarded as superficially as most believers do. Their interpretation is much broader and deeper than is commonly believed (see the texts of the book by O. E. Bernhardt The Ten Commandments of God - The Lord's Prayer).

The Word of God is the highest level of moral education. And any education is not sheer slogans but a proposal of a precise methodology that provides step-by-step instructions. In this context, it refers to the fulfillment of the Commandments.

There is a real experience based on the knowledge of simple laws, the manifestations of which we all observe daily but do not associate with circumstances in our lives and destinies. One of the laws is "What you sow, so must you reap" or the law of responsibility for your behavior. The other one is the "Freedom of choice" since we can always choose to act honestly and kindly or vice versa. As a result of a freely made decision, responsibility comes, and after a while, payback occurs in the form of a life event. It can be a disaster or joy, depending on what kind of act the person has committed. Moreover, the concept of "action" includes, among other things, thoughts and feelings, wishes and intentions.

Very few people take into account the full spectrum of their relationship with the world, including envy and jealousy, resentment and despair, vanity and fear, greed and lust, as well as any thoughts generated by these emotions. These are invisible but very tangible crimes against one's own soul and God. Each person has their own personal set of negative manifestations from this list. Demonstrating it on various occasions in our daily social interactions and relation to all kinds of life events, we commit crimes throughout our lives and receive what we deserve in return. It is how the strict Will of the Creator operates, and we reside on the lawful territory of His Will.

At the same time, we blame our misfortune, government, neighbors, relatives, etc., failing to recognize, out of ignorance, that we ourselves generate a storm of adverse consequences that are brought upon us by our own actions.

Nobody stops us from paying attention to the above-mentioned laws, taking them into account when it comes to our behavior, understanding their stern influence on shaping our destinies, and drawing conclusions from it.

A person invited to embark on the path of recognition of the laws of God and their fulfillment has serious obstacles. First, there is a lack of faith. A non-believer has the illusion that he somehow can overcome increasing problems, resulting in their disappearance. But one cannot avoid the consequences of their mistakes.

Secondly, there is no motivation. Why try to improve yourself when surrounded by injustice, lies, violence, and so on? If you become goody-two-shoes, you will quickly be deceived, taken advantage of, and trampled on. And here is where man is seriously mistaken. Due to the unwillingness to figure out such significant reasons for our misfortunes, life increasingly becomes more difficult. And if you do attempt to figure them out, in a short while, the laws stop punishing you and start helping. Upon taking this route, if a person is not lazy, he will realize that the laws really do work, which means there is God!

Getting yourself back to having a good life becomes possible only by submitting to the law! The alternative is to continue suffering and searching for those responsible for your health ailments and life failures.

The choice is yours!

Lutsenko, Y. N.
August 2023