
Some suffer from loneliness, others dream of it, being unhappy in a relationship.

It is important to remember that the days life presents to us are well deserved not to mention the most beneficial. Events taking place on such days reveal our weaknesses. And to deal with them faster, you need to be alone.

Loneliness. There is no need to be afraid of it.

Isn't it valuable to remember once in a while that I am also an individual? After all, my soul is the jewel that I must regain.

For a modern adult, of course, children and loved ones are always in the foreground. And more than often, we forget about ourselves. We go with the flow and remain absolutely oblivious to our needs and feelings. Such renunciation is often not at all appreciated by those surrounding us.

Think of yourself a little. Try to feel what it is that you want in life. "There are only two important decisions in life - where to go and whom to take with you."

Assess whether your life is truly what you want it to be. What should it be like?

It is crucial for the soul to sometimes retreat in loneliness and silence, free of someone else's opinion.

It is fantastic to stop being codependent. Stop waiting for someone to like the constellation you do, but marvel at it alone. Stop feeling offended by anyone, stop blaming anyone for anything, and start learning to be alone with yourself. Concentrate on your feelings. Understand where your negative emotions come from. Is it really someone else's fault other than yours?

We are always the first ones to blame for everything gone wrong.

Abd-Ru-Shin (In the Light of Truth) says that those who approach the Truth in Creation will, in most cases, have to experience loneliness. But this does not at all make a person unhappy, for he is at peace with himself and the Entire Creation.

Here, it is essential not to become a hermit because man is a social being. We need that social interaction. Through lines of communication, we gain experience, overcome our mistakes, grow stronger, and learn to understand ourselves and others.

In difficult life situations, you need to pull yourself together and find that core within yourself that will resist adverse circumstances. Try to remain active in life and continue with your current responsibilities. And when time permits, do not forget occasional self-reflecting.

Strygina, A. A.
August 2023