A human being is a social creature. Every parent faces the moment when their child becomes a member of society and starts absorbing many unnecessary things. In this case, we are talking about the commandment: "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name" (Exodus 20:7).
A child goes to kindergarten, and in a few days, he says a well-known phrase his parents never spoke in front of him. And if an adult realizes the seriousness of this expression, how can we explain its gravity to a child?
Most often, the primary role model for a child is his mother. Upon arrival at kindergarten, within minutes, the kid searches for his mother among the adults. In case of troubles and worries, he immediately runs to her. So, we can take advantage of this fact.
If you tell a child: "Do not say it," he will not listen: "Why not? Adults say it, why can't I? I am a grown-up too!" So, try giving him the following example:
"Imagine you calling for your mom: 'Mom!' And mom responds. She comes, but as it turns out, you do not need her. You were just joking. A little time passes, and you again cry for mom. She runs to your aid again to find that you are not serious. She worries about you and hears you every time you call because she loves you. The same way God loves you and hears you. So, do not call Him in vain, but only when He is absolutely needed."
This approach helped me tremendously to understand the importance of this commandment. I hope it helps your children too.
Perhaps you can find other ways to address this issue. And if you have your own practical ideas, we will be happy if you share them with us. Please send us an e-mail or leave your comment in the Q&A section.
June 2023
Strygina, A. A.