"A fault confessed is half redressed."
Resentment is a reaction to injustice, deceit, betrayal, etc. It seems that such an emotional response under the mentioned circumstances is quite natural. But there is another point of view.
What if you started believing in God? It means you have accepted His righteous Laws. If your faith is genuine, you will want to understand these Laws. And the next step will be to learn how to follow Them.
Consider the famous quote: "What you sow, that must you reap a hundredfold." Such is the Law of Justice, retribution for sins.
If you are honest with yourself, you will admit you are a sinner. It is logical to conclude that this invisibly acting Law registers your sins and, in response, sends punishments to you in the form of troubles, losses, illnesses, etc. The scale and frequency of punishments depend on the amount and severity of accumulated sins.
Such an emotion as resentment comprises suffering, anger toward supposed injustice, and, sometimes, a burning desire for revenge. Suffering is not a sin, but everything else mentioned above is. And this is why.
Faith in God is not an abstract concept. True faith involves a sincere acceptance of the Law's right to punish for sin committed. The Law merely carries out an act of justice. In the process, It makes it possible for you to redeem your crime (sin) through suffering. And your offender is simply an instrument in the hands of the Law of God.
Resentment due to the spiritual ignorance of a felon is an outrage directed at the work of the Law, which is an active rejection of the deserved punishment. Thus, the Law becomes involuntarily refused, making one's faith in the Creator nothing but a sham!
But you cannot escape the Law. Since the sinner did not accept the punishment, the Law transfers it into the future with a significant increase. If there are more and more new grievances, the consequence will be additional reoccurrences of punishments with growing severity of retribution. Resentment interferes with the reinstatement of justice and the atonement for sin. The Law will continue to increase the penalty until the person accepts the blows of fate in humility and without resentment while realizing that they deserve these blows.
I gave the example of the act of the Law for one person. But It works for all people equally.
Humanity, unwilling to recognize the Laws, is inevitably moving toward the fateful hour that John foretold in "Revelation".
At some point, I figured out the connection between my sins and their inevitable return to the source. The cause is a sin I sowed, making me guilty before my soul, before the World, and before the Creator. The effect is a harvest, that is, a well-deserved lawful punishment!
I began battling resentment. My common sense required a logical explanation, a motive as to why I should forgive. So I presented that logic to my mind.
My experience in constant and sincere forgiveness over several years has led me to the elimination of a whole bunch of diseases and, further, to a more prosperous life. At the same time, for the sake of the experiment, during those years, I neither took any medicine nor went to the doctor. Thus, my experience confirmed the theory - we suffer and get sick due to sins, due to disrespect for the Laws of God. And I also verified that my sins are redeemed through my forgiveness of the offender. The biblical phrase also speaks of this: "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." (The New Testament, Matthew, 6:14,15)
But most importantly, I became convinced that the invisible Laws are real and active. It means there is also their Creator! The primary opponent of God is the Darkness that operates through the reasoning mind. This opponent was defeated by the logic acquired through experience, against which the Darkness is powerless. My faith has transformed into conviction, and now I have the right to say: I know there is God!
The Law provides for real atonement for sins through sincere forgiveness. As a result, the quality of life changes for the better. This circumstance convinced me to continue on this Path indicated by Jesus Christ. Live by the Word; make it your way of life! Understanding the work of this Law forms true Christian humility through which we redeem ourselves.
Calmly accepting your fate without complaining, without resentment and grievances, without despair and fear of current adverse events, the human soul becomes stronger and purer before the Lord.
Please note that humility should not be misinterpreted. We must protect our dignity, the dignity of our families, and our nation.
Endnote. Inevitably, many related questions will arise, including: what about other emotions? Why should we bless our enemies? Why are good people dying, including innocent children? What are love and devotion? And so on. This topic is vast. Future articles will provide all relevant information. You can also find some answers in the content already posted on our website.
March 2023
Yuri Lutsenko