Many of you are wondering what the difference is between Imprinting and Baptism. Is Imprinting sufficient enough to save a soul?
When the Epistle (the Grail Message) came into effect, people who had risen to fight their sins needed support and protection from the forces of the Darkness. Even the strongest ones lacked personal spiritual potential for moving toward the Light. Therefore, the rite of Imprinting provided support to all the worthy. At the same time, Imprinting serves as an aid in spiritual development until the hidden activity of Abd-ru-shin enters an open phase.
Baptism has the same task - to support and protect a person moving toward the Light from the attacks of the Darkness. Naturally, this support is more powerful.
If a person has received Imprinting and achieved spiritual results, he does not need Baptism. But, as far as I know, genuine rites of Imprinting have not been performed for a long time. So do not be deceived.
When the time is right, the Son of Man will come out in the open and test everyone with the austerity of the radiation of the Holy Spirit, for He Himself carries a speck of It within. It will cut off the lazy part of humanity, including the hesitant, half-slumbering "lukewarm" (refer to Revelation 3:16).
Today it is known that many of the imprinted ones and the bearers of the Cross did not only fall spiritually but became traitors, agents of the Darkness. Some of such people are among the baptized.
Neither Imprinting nor Baptism will help the lazy ones. The Hand of the Lord may at any time deny help if It considers that the Power given for support is not utilized for the benefit but aimed more at creating obstacles to those who honestly strive for the Light. Usually, these are the ones who have failed to defeat vanity, selfishness, and arrogance in time. They project envy and sometimes resort to slander against those who outrun them. Thus, they become mediators of the attack of the Darkness, even if they only silently wish misfortune upon the person.
It is time for you to make the final decision about who you are siding with. Are you with God or with your most precious "I"?!
I repeat again and again that the guarantee of salvation lies solely in personal conviction and obedience to the Law. Conviction, on the other hand, occurs only as a result of knowledge obtained in experience, i.e., the experience of an absolute victory over own vices.
The Future World will not accept the spiritually weak - this is the typical selection process. While observing some people, you understand that the inevitability of the operation of the Law, apparently, has not yet been realized by these few. They allow themselves to keep wasting time by not moving but barely dragging toward the Higher Goal.
I would not wish anyone to experience the biblical saying addressed to all the lazy and evil: “But the subjects of the Kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:12).
March 2023
Yuri Lutsenko